100,000+ Expiring & Pre-Release Domains published DAILY to provide High Domain Authority, Link Rich Domain Names. Come visit every day for the latest FREE premium domain listings

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Tis the season to celebrate expired domains!

So we have been busy the last few weeks adding some fabulous new features, firstly to start off with for those of you that have not already seen or used our word matching feature come to take a look.. Our search engine now matches thousands of domains as close as you can get to any word that you choose to search upon. It is a pretty cool and unique service that we hope you will like and find useful, especially when you are seeking a very specific domain/domains associated with a word/place or name.

Our second new feature is the addition of the sign up and login functionality, you will find the icon in the top right hand corner of the homepage. The benefits of signing up will enable you to receive automatic updates when new functionality is added, become a part of our member community and have the opportunity to grow and improve our service with your exclusive input and feedback and last but not least in the future this will enable you to manage your settings and preferences on the site.

Once again we would like to say a big thank you to all of our users and customers, we have had a phenomenal year here at www.expired-domains.co and are looking forward to great things happening with your help in 2015!

Come check out the millions of expired domains we have available today www.expired-domains.co



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