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Domains of the Day

expired domains

My top pending delete domain of the day is abcbabymilk.com. Originally registered in 2000 with a flurry of other www.abc…. domains which are also available today this one has a nice ring to it and I could easily see it being marketed as part of a breastfeeding or baby formula campaign, definitely worth a look at.

Those domains that are currently out for Pre Release Namejet auction today that caught my eye are:

bean.org – a nice, clean, simple domain, that is easily remembered and pretty transposable to any market/initiative/industry.

adavancedfitness.com – this one appealed to the inner fitness addict in me, current bidding is only at $69 and it is a fairly easy .com.

moneywarehouse.com – again a recognizable .com domain that could be put to get use for anyone in the financial services industry.

To check out these and the other 127,232 domains that we have expiring on our website today go to our Home page and start using our free domain search engine today.

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