100,000+ Expiring & Pre-Release Domains published DAILY to provide High Domain Authority, Link Rich Domain Names. Come visit every day for the latest FREE premium domain listings

Spreadsheets and Expired Domains…. Whats the deal folks?

Spreadsheet_animationPerusing over recent visitor feedback it strikes me that one of the most frequent requests is the addition of the functionality to down load and export our list of expired domains. As I sit here and ponder these requests I must admit I am a little confused…. The central theme of our expired domains tool/search engine is the embedded ability to slice/dice and analyze the millions of domains that we have on the site iteself without the need of an excel spreadsheet. We have added many filters which can be used against multiple search options which we felt met all of our customers needs but still we frequently receive requests to export the data..

Ok so feedback please am I missing something?  Coming from an analytical and accounting background I LOVE spreadsheets, yes I am the geek who color codes my tiles and fonts, I can do v look ups in my sleep and yes I once even preferred to write letters in spreadsheets… But with all that said I think I have moved on and really am stuck on why there may be this requirement based on the functionality this site provides?

With all that said as I have said in the past customer feedback and comments  provides the roadmap for new additions and releases so please join the conversation and let me know what  I am missing, I am intrigued and eager to debate this subject!2015

On another note Happy New Year – I am excited to see what 2015 will bring to the world of all things domain, last year was a busy and exciting one for many insiders within the industry with the release of the new TLD’s, but the main takeaway really was that they failed to make a lasting impression on the general buying public. Though many of the extensions performed way below analysts expectations with my marketing hat on I still think we have to wait and see before we can judge their true overall success in the industry and I don’t even think we will have an accurate gauge in 2015, Rome was not built in a day and with these new TLD’s we are truly changing the mindset of the general population, this will be Marketing and adoption by osmosis and may take years to truly measure… So if 2015 is not going to be about the new TLD’s what can we expect for the year ahead?

In the meantime a great way to start the New year would be to pick up some cool expired/expiring domains so go check out our expired domains tool at www.expired-domains.co we have thousands of new domains added everyday.

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